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Weekly Report 4|45 10.2.2021-10.8.2021



The Party History Study and Education Leading Group published a Notice stipulating requirements regarding the role of grassroots party organizations and party members in activities associated with the “Doing Things for the Masses ” initiative. (see Senior Leaders section)

A He Yin (和音) commentary lauded the longstanding partnership between China and African countries on the occasion of the second China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE). (see Propaganda Work section)

A Zhong Sheng (钟声) commentary sought to cast doubt over US, UK, and Australian claims regarding the nature of the AUKUS trilateral security partnership. (see Propaganda Work section)


Senior Leaders

Central Committee and State Council Release “Guidelines for the Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development Plan”

10.7 The Central Committee and State Council released “Guidelines for the Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development Plan” to serve as a basis for the Yellow River basin’s ecological protection and high-quality development and for formulating policies, plans and engineering projects. Specifically, the guidelines cover nine provinces: Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, and Shandong. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and based on principles such as green development, water conservation, taking local differences into consideration, and coordinated planning and development, the guidelines strive to turn the Yellow River basin into an “important landmark for major river governance,” an “important barrier [to protect] ecological security,” an “important experimental area for high-quality development,” and an important area for promoting and protecting Chinese culture. More specifically, by 2030, the guidelines aim to improve the relationship between residents and the environment, improve the quality of the natural environment, and increase the level of basic public services, among other goals. By 2035, the guidelines aim to establish the Yellow River basin as a national leader in curtailing intensive water-use levels, create a “healthy and stable ecosystem,” and increase the quality of life of the people. By the middle of the century, the guidelines strive to substantially raise the level of the Yellow River basin’s “material, political, social, and ecological” civilizations and demonstrate the region’s important role in “building a rich and powerful democratic civilization and a harmonious and beautiful modern socialist major country.”

Next, the guidelines described various steps and methods to be taken in order to accomplish the goals outlined in the document. First, they provided an overview of ways to promote the protection and governance of downstream wetlands, strengthen the curtailing of intensive water-use levels, and protect the culture of the Yellow River and emphasized the importance of party leadership in all aspects of the Yellow River basin’s “ecological protection and high-quality development.” The guidelines then discussed ways to “strengthen the guarantee of rule of law.” Among the various ways to do so, the guidelines emphasized the need to institute laws and regulations to support the Yellow River basin’s ecological protection and high-quality development, as well as doing necessary legislative work to ensure legislative recognition for the policies, mechanisms, and systems for the Yellow River basin’s protection. After listing ways to “increase governance capacity [with regard to] territorial space” by evaluating the water resource capacity of the Yellow River basin, the guidelines emphasized the need to “perfect the planning and policy system.” Specifically, this entailed “researching and launching complementary policies and comprehensive reform measures” to implement the guidelines. They concluded by recommending that the central government establish a “Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development Leading Group” to guarantee clear progress by 2025.

Guo Shengkun: Firmly Support the Party Central Committee's Decisions, Thoroughly Implement [Its] Plans, and Strengthen Efforts to Promote Timely Political and Legal Team Education and Rectification

10.8 At the second Nationwide Legal Education and Rectification Teams Work Promotion Conference, Politburo Member, Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission Secretary, and National Political and Legal Team Education and Rectification Leading Group Head Guo Shenkun (郭声琨) emphasized the importance of “studying the Party Central Committee’s strategic plans with Xi Jinping as the core and strengthening the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidating the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), and achieving the ‘two defends’ (两个维护)” in order to “more tightly and more truly grasp the second round of education rectification.” Guo emphasized supporting the Party Central Committee’s decision to address Sun Lijun’s (孙力军) serious violations of discipline and law, as well as the decision to investigate Fu Zhenghua’s (傅政华) suspected violations. He further emphasized the importance of staying vigilant at all times and “forging a loyal, clean, and responsible political and legal iron army (忠诚干净担当的政法铁军).” Lastly, Guo called on the Party to ensure education rectification does not stray from the correct path, to eliminate poisonous influences, and to resolve outstanding problems that the masses have complained strongly about.

State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi (赵克志), Chief Justice and President of the Supreme People's Court of China Zhou Qiang (周强), and Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Zhang Jun (张军) also attended.

The Party History Study and Education Leading Group Published the “Notice on Giving Full Play to Grassroots Party Organizations as Battle Fortresses and Party Members as the Model Vanguard for Further Deepening the Implementation of the Party History Study and Education “Doing Things for the Masses” Initiative

10.8 The Party History Study and Education Leading Group published a Notice to provide clear requirements regarding the role of grassroots party organizations and party members in activities associated with the “Doing Things for the Masses” party history study and education initiative. The Notice pointed out that “in order to further implement Xi Jinping’s important people-centered exposition, launch the Party Central Committee’s important strategic decisions and deployments on party history study and education,” and “thoroughly advance” the execution of related activities, it is necessary to do a good job at giving full play to the role of party organizations as fortresses and party members as the vanguard. It encouraged party organizations and members to, “use their heart, soul, and strength (用心用情用力) to resolve the basic difficulties and troubles of the masses, and foster flesh and blood ties (血肉联系) between the Party and the masses” in order to achieve clear results.” It further emphasized that grassroots party organizations, party members, and leading cadres should begin by dealing with the masses’ greatest difficulties and problems, making a felt difference in the lives of the masses by cultivating a greater consciousness of their needs so that the masses will experience the warmth and concern of the Party. The Notice focused on the implementation of these activities in the areas of epidemic prevention, disaster relief, social welfare, and other aid provision. Recalling the spirit of Xi Jinping’s 1 July centenary speech, the Notice said that doing things for the masses and responding to their felt needs and problems should be a requirement for selecting and training cadres. It emphasized bolstering propaganda guidance in this respect and warned against formalism and bureaucracy.


Propaganda Work

He Yin: Forge an Even Closer Community of Shared Future for China-Africa

10.2 A He Yin (和音) commentary lauded the longstanding partnership between China and African countries, which it depicted as “walking hand in hand (携手同行) on the path of common development (共同发展道路),” on the occasion of the second China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE). The commentary said that this year’s Expo—held from 26 to 29 September with the theme “New Start, New Opportunities, New Accomplishment”—had fully demonstrated the “increasingly strong impetus” and vitality of the “improvement and upgrade in the quality of China-Africa pragmatic cooperation.” It went on to trace the history of the Expo, which was established by Xi Jinping in September 2018. In 2019, Xi sent a letter to the opening of the first Expo encouraging attendees to strengthen the implementation of the “‘Eight Major Initiatives’ (八大行动) of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation” and seek new areas of cooperation.

The commentary referenced remarks by this year’s Expo host country Algeria’s president, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who said that the Expo would “contribute to [both sides’] exploring and implementing the optimal ways of complementing each other’s advantages” and promote the development of economic partnerships in all sectors. Noting that China has been Africa’s largest trading partner for the last 12 years, it said that from January to July of this year, China-Africa trade had reached historically high levels over the same period. This had “powerfully advanced African countries’ industrialization process and the transformation of [their] economic structures.” The commentary went on to celebrate the persistence of the mutually beneficial relationship between China and Africa throughout the pandemic and recovery, evident in the more than 1,100 Belt and Road projects underway throughout the period, and noted the appreciation of African leaders. It concluded by quoting the African proverb “if you want to go fast, walk alone; if you want to go far, walk together” (独行快,众行远) saying it expressed the “true essence of win-win cooperation.”

Zhong Sheng: The “Australian Nuclear Problem” Will Open “Pandora’s Box”

10.3 A Zhong Sheng (钟声) commentary sought to cast doubt over US, UK, and Australian claims that providing Australia with at least eight nuclear-powered submarines as part of the Australia-UK-US trilateral security partnership (AUKUS) did not violate the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and Australia’s claim that it would “responsibly acquire nuclear-powered submarines.” The commentary began by describing the various weaknesses found in the NPT regarding the transfer of nuclear reactors for submarines and asserted that the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia had exploited these weaknesses to “conduct ‘nuclear business’ (核生意) with great fanfare” (大张旗鼓). Next, the commentary rhetorically posed the question of how the international community could be certain that Australia would not use the uranium needed for nuclear-powered submarines to make nuclear-powered weapons and whether US non-proliferation standards were meaningful if the United States “suppressed and sanctioned” countries that enriched uranium but was lenient with Australia’s possession of enriched uranium, among other areas of hypocrisy.

It then warned that the three countries’ nuclear-powered submarine program would “open a Pandora’s box” and encourage other countries to follow suit. Following a review of the United States’ and United Kingdom’s historical stance towards weapons of mass destruction and non-proliferation, the commentary accused the United States of abandoning its “principles and obligation of non-proliferation,” using Australia to establish an “‘Anglo-Saxon’ military cooperation clique” (‘盎格鲁—撒克逊’军事合作小圈子). It subsequently labelled this a “barefaced double-standard” (赤裸裸的双重标准) and “extremely irresponsible behavior.” After recounting domestic concerns in Australia over Australia’s attempt to acquire nuclear-powered submarines, the commentary concluded by urging the three countries to abandon the nuclear-powered submarine plan and take action alongside the international community to deal with oversight issues and protect the international non-proliferation regime. Otherwise, the commentary noted, “US, UK, and Australian explanations will only make matters worse (越描越黑) and their behavior of undermining international mechanisms and violating international obligations will be rejected by people around the world.”


Party Discipline

Zhejiang: Launching a Special Inspection of Food-related Issues

10.6 On the afternoon of 24 September, Zhejiang Province carried out special inspection training on food-related issues by video conference. Provincial party committee inspection leaders put forward requirements for the joint promotion of special inspections by provinces, cities, and counties. An article published by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and National Supervisory Commission (NSC) about the training noted that the provincial party committee’s inspection work leading group had previously coordinated the implementation of special inspections and food-related inspections and required all cities to supervise and promote the eradication of corruption in food production systems. The article emphasized that inspection teams should clearly identify the ‘special’ features of the inspection and focus on political and work responsibilities as well as corruption and work style. During the inspections, inspection teams will directly address performance in accordance with the ‘two responsibilities’ (两个责任, which delineate between the responsibilities of party committees and the responsibilities of discipline inspection commissions and supervisory commissions), focusing on identifying whether workers are carrying out their duties in a perfunctory manner or engaging in corruption in the grain supply chain. The special inspections are the first since the central government’s publication of the “Opinions on Strengthening the Coordination of Disciplinary Inspections” (关于加强巡视巡察上下联动的意见). The article reported that provincial special inspection teams will complete their site visits before the end of this month and relay their findings to provincial authorities in December.



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