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Weekly Report 4|55 1.15.22-1.21.22



Xi Jinping gave an “important speech” at the Sixth Plenum of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) that emphasized the importance of “comprehensively and strictly [following] party governance” (全面从严治党) and “self-revolution” (自我革命). (see Senior Leaders section)

Politburo Standing Committee Member and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) delivered a speech at the National United Front Work Department Heads’ Conference in Beijing. (see United Front Work section)

On 20 January, Xinhua published the Communique of the Sixth Plenum of the 19th CCDI, which discussed Xi’s speech at the Plenum, the CCDI and National Supervisory Commission’s (NSC) achievements in 2021, and future actions for the CCDI. (see Party Discipline section)


Senior Leaders

Guo Shengkun: Summarize, Consolidate, and Deepen the Results of Political and Legal Teams’ Education and Rectification[;] Advance the [Development of] Strict Governance Over the Party and Police In-Depth

1.16 On 16 January, Politburo Member, Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission Secretary, and National Political and Legal Team Education and Rectification Leading Group Head Guo Shenkun (郭声琨) spoke at the Nationwide Political and Legal Team Education and Rectification Summarization teleconference. He emphasized the need to “strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidate the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), achieve the ‘two defends’ (两个维护),” and “summarize, consolidate, and deepen the achievements of political and legal team education and rectification” in order to “better shoulder the responsibility and mission entrusted by the Party and people in the new era [and] on the new journey.” Guo also stated that the two rounds of education and rectification undertaken with the permission of the Central Committee had caused “political and legal cadres and officials (干警) in the entire country to receive a revolutionary forging.” He further stated that experience acquired during education and rectification was “worth earnestly summarizing and adhering to for a long time.” He stressed the need to “forever have a spirit of self-revolution” (自我革命精神) and advance [the development of] strict governance over the Party and police in-depth. He exhorted attendees to take actions such as “adher[ing] to putting political establishment first and maintaining a high degree of unanimity with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology and politics,” “unswervingly advanc[ing]” building an honest and clean government (廉政建设) and “struggl[ing] against corruption in political and legal teams.”

State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi (赵克志), Chief Justice and President of the Supreme People's Court of China Zhou Qiang (周强), and Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Zhang Jun (张军) also attended.

Xi Jinping: The Main Key of Persisting in Strictness is Unmoved, Persevere Without Tiring in Advancing Comprehensively and Strictly [Following] Party Governance In-Depth

1.18 Xi Jinping gave an “important speech” at the Sixth Plenum of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI). Xi emphasized the importance of “comprehensively and strictly [following] party governance” (全面从严治党) as a “powerful political guarantee” for comprehensively building a modern socialist country, noting the successes of the Party Central Committee in resolving intractable problems of party governance and corruption in the ten years since the 18th Party Congress. Xi highlighted the significance of “self-revolution” (自我革命), saying that the Party must forge cadres who dare to struggle and undergo self-revolution. He also noted the Party’s theoretical accomplishments combining historical experience and practical innovations in constructing a long-term ruling Marxist party. Xi called for the continued consolidation and expansion of 2021’s Party History Study and Education campaign and to “deeply study the spirit of the Sixth Plenum of the 19th Central Committee,” to inspire party members’ connection to the Party’s original mission, traditions and good work style, loyalty to the Party and people, and more. Xi emphasized that political supervision must be strengthened to ensure the full implementation of the new development concept and to prevent biases, accommodations, and inadequacies in implementing the Central Committee’s policies. Xi stated that “the battle between corruption and anti-corruption is still raging”; warned that the Party must be wary of corruption’s new manifestations, such as all types of “interest groups”; and exhorted leading cadres to improve their ability to resist corruption, strengthen their political understanding and discernment, and ensure their own and their immediate family members’ proper conduct. Xi called for continued implementation of the Central Eight Regulations (中央八项规定) and action against the “four forms” (四风: formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance); strengthening the education, management, and supervision of young cadres; and standardizing, strengthening, and improving the effectiveness of the systems for supervision and enacting discipline. Xi emphasized the importance for the Party and nation of discipline inspection cadres’ loyalty to the party, the people, and the undertakings of the CCDI.

Politburo Standing Committee Members Li Keqiang (李克强), Li Zhanshu (李克强), Wang Yang (汪洋), Wang Huning (王沪宁) and Han Zheng (韩正) also attended the Plenum. In addition, Politburo Standing Committee Member and CCDI Head Zhao Leji (赵乐际) attended the Plenum.


Propaganda Work

Use the ‘Arrow’ of Marxism to Fire at the ‘Targets’ of New Era China

1.16 A Qiushi Commentator Article focused on Xi Jinping’s 11 January speech at the opening of a special discussion session on studying and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenum of the 19th Central Committee for provincial-level primary leaders and cadres, particularly the importance of Marxism and the Party’s ability to sinicize, modernize, and implement the guidance of Marxism. It emphasized the historical influence of Marxism in China, stated that Marxism was “enriched” and reached its full expression in China, and noted that Marx, Engels, Li Dazhao, and Mao Zedong all described Marxism’s flexible adaptation to local and changing historical conditions. The Commentator Article noted key events in the development of sinicizing Marxism, including the New Democratic Revolution, the reform-era establishment of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a “new era” after the 18th Party Congress. It said that amid global and national changes, the “courage for theoretical innovation” was critical to “scientifically answer” major questions, continue advancing the Party and state’s goals, and maintain the vitality and persuasiveness of Marxism. The Commentator Article emphasized the significance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era (习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想) as “the modern essence of contemporary Chinese Marxism, 21st-Century Marxism, and Chinese culture and China’s spirit, [which] realized a new leap [ahead] in the sinicization of Marxism.” It praised the Party’s accomplishments using the guidance of Xi’s theory, said his theory had assured the inevitability of “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” and stressed that in addition to Xi’s theory, the main reason for these accomplishments was Xi’s “core” position as “navigator at the helm” (掌舵领航) of the Party Central Committee and entire Party.

Central Propaganda Department Requires Every News Danwei To Earnestly Organize and Develop 2022 “New Spring Visits the Grassroots” Activities

1.16 The Central Propaganda Department issued a notice requiring “all news danwei in every part of the country” to use “New Spring Visits the Grassroots” (新春走基层) activities as “an important opening for disseminating propaganda with the theme of welcoming the victorious convening of the 20th Party Congress.” It also called on news danwei to “thoroughly penetrate the front line of the grassroots and the masses’ production and life” to report on topics such as “achievements in socioeconomic development” in order to “build a good public opinion atmosphere” for the 20th Party Congress.” Elaborating further, the notice stated that news danwei should cover the following topics: 1. “Representative regions, industries, and individuals” related to “realizing comprehensive moderate prosperity” (全面小康), poverty alleviation, and rural revitalization; 2. “The effects of every region making headway in implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenum of the 19th Central Committee”; 3. “Party History Study and Education obtaining real results”; 4. “Pandemic prevention and control work and measures [related to] holiday guarantee work,” as well as party committees and local governments engaging in pandemic prevention and control work in areas where COVID-19 had broken out; 5. Various departments “guaranteeing the Spring Festival travel rush” (春运) and “strengthening measures [related to] market guarantee and price stabilization work”; 6. “Athletic competition and culture” activities during the Spring Festival, including the excitement of Chinese youth and other groups for the Winter Olympics; and 7. “Every area and department holding diverse and colorful (丰富多彩) [Spring Festival] cultural activities.” The notice also required news danwei across China to offer unified “New Spring Visits the Grassroots” columns across a variety of platforms, ensure daily print and broadcast totals, and summarize the results of such activities after they concluded. The notice additionally highlighted the need to “combine the viewpoints of foreign audiences to conduct targeted dissemination abroad and vividly and multi-dimensionally (立体) tell China’s story well,” among other things.


United Front Work

National United Front Work Department Heads’ Conference Opens in Beijing; Wang Yang Attends and Gives a Speech

1.17 Politburo Standing Committee Member and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) delivered a speech at the National United Front Work Department (UFWD) Heads’ Conference in Beijing. In his remarks, Wang emphasized the importance of fully implementing the spirit of the 19th Party Congress and all its plenums, studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th Party Congress as a “major political task,” “adhering to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability” (稳中求进), using the Spirit of Driving Nails (钉钉子精神) to implement the decisions and deployments of the Central Committee on United Front work, and “gathering the people’s hearts, wisdom, and strength” in order to “courageously venture forward on the new journey and realize the Chinese dream.” He then affirmed achievements made in the past year, emphasizing the need to deeply understand that the United Front is an important “magic weapon” (法宝) for the Party to overcome the enemy and govern and rejuvenate the country. Wang stressed the need to establish the correct view of political achievements that “success does not have to be mine” (功成不必在我), but “success must have me” (功成必定有我). He also emphasized the need to make good use of the “unity-criticism-unity” (团结—批评—团结) method, as well as the need for centralized and unified Party leadership in all aspects of the United Front work process.

Secretary of the Central Secretariat and United Front Work Department Head You Quan (尤权) presided over and also spoke at the meeting. You emphasized the need to thoroughly implement the “CCP United Front Work Regulations” (中国共产党统一战线工作条例) and “seek progress while maintaining stability,” further stating that preventing and resolving major risks should be the top priority of work throughout the year.


Central Military Commission

Central Military Commission Holds Ceremony for Promotion to the Rank of General; Xi Jinping Issues Orders and Expresses Congratulation to Promoted Military and Armed Police Officers

1.21 On 21 January, the Central Military Commission (CMC) held a ceremony for the promotion of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Northern Theater Command Political Commissar Liu Qingsong (刘青松), PLA Central Theater Command Commander Wu Ya’nan (吴亚男), PLA Central Theater Command Political Commissar Xu Deqing (徐德清), PLA Army Political Commissar Qin Shutong (秦树桐), PLA Navy Political Commissar Yuan Huazhi (袁华智), PLA Rocket Force Commander Li Yuchao (李玉超), and People’s Armed Police (PAP) Political Commissar Zhang Hongbing (张红兵) to the rank of General at the August 1st Building in Beijing. Xi Jinping issued orders to the seven promoted officers, which were read by Politburo Member and CMC Vice Chair Xu Qiliang (许其亮). Politburo Member and CMC Vice Chair Zhang Youxia (张又侠) presided over the promotion ceremony. After the ceremony concluded, Xi took a group photo with the seven promoted officers. State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe (魏凤和) and CMC Members Li Zuocheng (李作成), Miao Hua (苗华), and Zhang Shengmin (张升民) also participated in the promotion ceremony.


Party Discipline

Authorized Release: Communique on the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection’s Sixth Plenum

1.20 On 20 January, Xinhua published the Communique of the Sixth Plenum of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) (hereafter referred to as “the Communique”). The Communique noted that the Plenum had “comprehensively implemented the spirit of the 19th Party Congress and each successive plenum”; “summarized discipline inspection work in 2021 and deployed tasks for 2022”; and deliberated and passed CCDI Head Zhao Leji’s (赵乐际) work report titled “Using the Historical Experience of the Party’s Hundred-Year Struggle to Promote the High-Quality Development of Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Work and Welcome the Victorious Convening of the 20th Party Congress.” It added that Xi’s speech at the Sixth Plenum of the 19th CCDI had “made strategic deployments for unremittingly persevering (坚持不懈) in promoting comprehensively and strictly [following] party governance” (全面从严治党) in-depth and welcoming the victorious convening of the 20th Party Congress.” Referring to Xi’s speech with terms such as “an action compass for the high-quality development of disciplinary inspection and supervision work,” the Communique highlighted the necessity of actions that included “thoroughly study[ing] and implement[ing]General Secretary Xi Jinping’s strategic thought on the Party’s self-revolution (自我革命)” and “continu[ing] to fight the tough and protracted battle of building an honest and clean government (廉政建设) and anti-corruption struggle well.”

The Communique also provided an overview of the CCDI and National Supervisory Commission’s (NSC) achievements in 2021. It stated that while the Plenum “summarized the knowledge and experience formed from practice [in 2021 and] affirmed these achievements,” the Plenum also raised the existence of issues regarding “disciplinary inspection and supervision work and cadre team establishment.” The Communique also noted that 2022 was an important year given the 20th Party Congress, and stressed that “doing disciplinary inspection and supervision work well” included “strengthening the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidating the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), [and] achieving the ‘two defends’ (两个维护).”

Next, it emphasized six ways for “all levels of disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies” to “powerfully and effectively guarantee the general situation of the Party and nation’s work” by engaging in “self-revolution”: 1. “Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenum of the 19th Central Committee and focus on ‘the big picture and fundamental interests of the country’ (国之大者) to promote the concretization and normalization of political supervision”; 2. “Maintain the continued presence of strong force in opposing and punishing corruption, unswervingly deepen the anti-corruption struggle”; 3. “Persist in reinforcing the dam (堤坝) of the Central Eight Regulations (中央八项规定) and persevere unremittingly in fixing corruption and unhealthy tendencies (不正之风) in the masses”; 4. “Have a robust top-to-bottom joint supervision and investigation structure and realize the high-quality, comprehensive covering of goals and tasks”; 5. “Promote the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system and [its] systemic integration, coordinate with high efficiency, and transform system superiority into effective governance”; and 6. “Implement political competency [and] high skill requirements; and strive hard to be loyal guardians of the Party and the people.” The Communique concluded by emphasizing the need to “Unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core; vigorously promote the great spirit of the Party’s founding and the spirit of self-revolution; loyally fulfill [one’s] duties; unite to struggle; promote the development of comprehensively and strictly [following] party governance and anti-corruption struggle in-depth; unswervingly (坚定不移) walk the path of anti-corruption with Chinese characteristics, and welcome the convening of the 20th Party Congress with concrete actions!”


International Liaison Work

1.18 CCP International Department (CCP/ID) Deputy Head Guo Yezhou (郭业洲) held a virtual exchange with Solomon Islands Ownership, Unity, and Responsibility (OUR) Party President Jimson Tanangada.

1.20 CCP/ID Deputy Head Qian Hongshan (钱洪山) held a virtual meeting with Czechoslovak Foreign Institute Chair Jaromír Šlápota.

1.21 CCP/ID Assistant Head Li Mingxiang (李明祥) held a virtual meeting with Tanzania Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary-General Daniel Chongolo.


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